Hungarian-Israeli Technology Incubation and Technology Transfer Seminar, 12 October 2009
Final Programme of the Seminar HTML PDF - Download the slides of the presentations.
The Hungarian National Office for Research and Technology (NKTH) is in the process of preparing its technology incubation programme. One of its sub-programmes focuses on supporting technology incubators, while another on funding for technology start-up companies. It is important that potential participants are well prepared for this novel programme, in which funding is offered in parallel through complementary calls and funding mechanisms. As a leader in technological innovation and technology transfer, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) is committed to offering information to interested parties – including representatives of companies, researchers, MSc and PhD students, and those considering the establishment of spin-offs, etc. – about this new programme, and its funding modalities.
It is widely recognized, that – among other reasons – due to the underdeveloped or missing elements of the innovation chain in Hungary, the exploitation of research and development results in commercial products is rarely achieved. At the same time, the success of the Israeli technology incubation programme is also widely recognized worldwide. Learning first hand about the Israeli experience thus offers valuable benefits to organisations involved in the innovation process, as well as researchers, research managers, entrepreneurs, and young people starting out on their professional carriers.
We cordially invite you to the Hungarian-Israeli Technology Incubation and Technology Transfer Seminar, to be held on Monday, 12 October 2009. The final programme of the seminar (as of 08 October 2009) is available from here.
Invited speakers from abroad:
• Dr. Rina Pridor, founder and former director of the Israeli technology incubator programme for 16 years. Due to its success, the programme has served as an international model, and Ms. Pridor is regarded as a foremost international expert in this field,
• Mr. Hanan Gefen, who in his former position facilitated the establishment of numerous technology spin-off companies.
Participation in the seminar, whose working language is English, is free, but advance registration was required. Registration through the event’s website, or by calling the Biomedical Engineering Knowledge Centre of BME at (+36 1) 463-2022. The deadline for registration was 5 October 2009.
The venue of the seminar is Innomed Medical Co., "Movie Room" ("Moziterem"), Address: H-1146 Budapest, Szabó József u. 12. Web: http://www.innomed.hu
Dr. László Vajta
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, BME
Dr. Péter Hanák
Biomedical Engineering Knowledge Centre, BME
Organisers and supporters: